Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Back to the Box after 10 days!!!

Well, I fooled myself thinking that my Crossfit cruise workout would suffice...  I went back today and did a full CF workout.  Tough!  I felt like the weight of my body was as heavy as the ship I just got off of.


Backsquats, 8 rounds of 5, increasing weight each round.  My max weight was 100 pounds.  I was PROUD!!!!  And, I actually squatted, with no difficulty, and got up from full squat, with the 100 pounds.

5 clapping pushups
7 Burpees
75 "single under" jump ropes
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes...
I did 5 rounds. 

But who am I kidding?  I CAN'T possibly do a clapping pushup, so I did a regular "plank" pushup.  BUT... I CAN do a full, plank pushup.  No more "worm", and no more "girl" pushup.

By the way,  hip is doing great recently.   PROGRESS!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Crossfit on a Cruise!!!

We just got back from a 7 day cruise... Great ship, VOyager of the Seas, Royal Carribean.  7 Days of calm, and tranquil fun.  I was worried about what to eat, as everyone knows that there is food everywhere, all day, and night.  I was worried about "eating riight", or just eating everything in sight, which would have been my preference.  I was surprised to find that it was VERY easy to eat right, and I must say, I ate almost pure Paleo the whole curise.  I had a couple of very small cheats during the week... not bad. 

  Also, was hoping to get some kind of workouts on the boat.  Was happy to see there was a fully equipped, LARGE gym on board.  All the machines, the treadmills, the elipticals, and of course, every weight machine you could find.  BUT... there was also 2 rowing machines, the same ones we have in Crossfit.  Also, some free weights, not barbells, but dumbells, and THE BEST PART.... one of the "trainers" on board was an actual Crossfitter, from Scotland.  Thank god for Alistair... he was able to help me make up somewhat of a Crossfit on board workout.  I didn't do it every day, but 3 or 4 days, I sweated like a banshee!!!  I took some clothes that I haven't been able to wear for more than 2 years, and they fit, both when I left for the cruise, as well as the day I came back.  So that's decent.  I will get back into the real swing of things tomorrow, and will have a weigh in tomorrow morning, to see if I did any damage.  update to follow...

One side note, they had a "Miss Bicep" contest on board, and NO, I didn't enter, although my husband really wanted me to, since I actually have the beginnings of some biceps.  I also humiliated myself in Karaoke, but that's another story!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I did 50 Burpees!!!

Thats not all I did, but I DID the 50 Burpees...At the end of the workout, and it took me 5 minutes, but i did 'em all. 

I think burpees are Gods punishment for having let yourself go, and/or a reminder if you are fit, not to let yourself go!  Exhausting, works everything, good for the core.  Although my core is still recovering from sharing a body with 3 large babies, now all large adults.  But, it's been 22 years since the last "sharing", so I had better let that go for now!!!

After CALS and a 400M run, (I'm still rowing, due to the shin splints)  Can Almost do a good plank pushup! 
hand/wrist warmup
PVC complex
Pull up max, 1 minute on the minute x5  I did 41, with assist bands.  lighter assist bands, but still assistance. 
Cleans, max,  mine was 65#, 1 minute on the minute x 10
THEN the 50 Burpees.

Feeling stronger, Hip did OK today, no problems at all.  STILL, no weight loss, despite PALEO eating, and Crossfit.  WHATs going on???

Weight: 162, SIZE 10 ( down from 12-14).  I need to throw away my scale. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Homebound Crossfit...

Well, the Yard/Pool/House duties all called on the same day.  So no trip to Crossfit today.  BUT, I made a homebound version.  Did all of it, and per usual Crossfit fashion, sweated and panted up a storm! 

Todays WOD:

50 "Single under " jump ropes
10 Box Jumps (which I actually did)
10 Air Squats
20 Kettle Bell Swings (35 lbs)
10 Kettle Bell Snatch (bend at the waist, pick up from the ground)
10 Kettle Chin Pulls

5 rounds

I worked my butt off!  Not really, still there!!!

Back to "the Box" tommorrow...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Progress... SLOW Progress...

2 months of Crossfit!  My weight has gone up 5 pounds, then down 2 pounds.  Bringing my current weight to 161, OVER my pre Crossfit weight.  BUT...I am 2 sizes smaller.  Size 10.  I really do have to leave the scale alone.  The " muscle weighs more than fat", must be true.  I see some muscles peeking out here and there.  So, yes, progress.  The hip still kills me, sometimes I can squat all the way down, sometimes I look like I've had a recent stroke on my left side. 

Today's WOD:  After the regular cals and rowing my 400 meters.  I'm not running this week, since I have Shin Splints! 
 5 rounds of 5 Deadlift to max weight.  I did 115#, up from my starting point of 15#.  (That's JUST the training bar), so thats good progress.
25 "Double Unders", or 50 single jump ropes.  I did the singles.  First jump rope I have done in probably 40 years...
10 "Thrusters", at 45 #... Full squat and thrust the bar overhead
5 Handstand pushups.  REALLY?  No, MY version was, put my feet up on "the box", and do either a plank pushup, or a 90 degree pushup.  I did the plank pushup.  Didn't get all the way down, if I'm being honest, but hey, I DID THE PLANK PUSHUP!!!!!!!!
Do as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes. 

I did 5 rounds.  I was soaked, red faced, and DAMN PROUD of myself.  I haven't killed myself yet, and that was one of my goals.  I better leave that one on the list!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The ONLY girl!!!

So I go to my class tonight.  Feeling pretty good about it.  There are 9 men in calss tonight, and me.  TOUGH workout... my pushup is coming along.  I no longer do the worm pushup, and am kind of half girl half full push up.  Meaning, sometimes I can do a full, sometimes I do a girl push up.  I am doing better on the pull ups, down an "assistance" band.  ANYWAY...

As I said, I was the only girl ( a generous term for myself) in class tonight, with 9 men.  I did all the reps, exact same workout they did, with NO modification, other than the weight, which everyone modifies for themselves.    I WASN'T the last one to finish!!!!!!!!!! 

Nothing else to say...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Better late than never!

So, haven't been to Crossfit in 4 days.  MRI results...Degenerative changes to my hip!  Translate, I'm actually older than I already knew I was!  Anyway, 1 week of Steroids, and I am going to just push through.  Back today:

CALS:  routine, and no problem.  Feel pretty good.  Squats were OK, despite the hip issue.
ANTE: frog jumps/ lunge walks around the gym.  No biggy.

WOD:1 mile timed run.  WTH!  I can't even run an untimed mile, but I digress... I ran half, and rowed half.  Still feel pretty good.  I'm HORRIFIED to say, that my total time for the 1/2 run 1/2 row mile was 9.45!  Yikes.  AND, it almost killed me.  THEN... as many pull ups as possible in 3 minutes.  THEN...as many push ups as possible in 3 minutes.  I have made some progress.  I was using a fat green band, AND a small red band to assist my pull ups.  My last ones using those 2 bands yeilded 41 pull ups.  REally.  I was proud, until my coach said "really Vic, time to lose a band".  I was REALLY attached to both of those bands.  How could I possibly give one up.  There like my children, I can't pick, or give one up.  But, forced to, I lost the red one.  Gave it a nice farewell, and did a humiliating 11 pull ups.  Follwed by my pitiful pushups, 22, not quite worm like pushups.  I can push my self up from the ground, but it's not something anyone wants to watch, or listen to for that matter. 

Starting Crossfit, @ 160 #, size 12-14.
One month of Crossfit, @ 165 #, clothes are looser.  SHOCKED!!!! I'm stuck on the scale, and am told repeatedly, don't look at it.  Coach Brenda, said " Oh, bummer, you had to buy bigger clothes?"... I said no, actually, they fit looser, and she said, " then so what?"   LOVE Brenda!!!  Jessa told me to get rid of the scale.  So, I will jsut try to focus on how I feel, and it is better, and it is stronger.  Am starting to get some random comments from people, so will forge on, as long as the hip holds out. 

Another note, my kids came this weekend, for the "Prickly Pear" run.  Jessica finished 3rd in her age group of 25-29 year olds for 10 miles!!!!! My inspiration continues.
Six weeks in, @ 160#, and clothes still looser.  I can feel things "moving around".   

Friday, March 4, 2011

I think I see a muscle!!!!

OK... I can see it, and feel it.  It's there in my biceps, and a little in my legs.  I've seen them before, but its been a while.  I'm SURE that no one else can see anything yet.  I'm excited and will take what I can get! 

Update on my goals:
  •   I can do a pretty good squat, and can actually squat, with a barbell, AND get up.  Baby steps, so am scratching that one off. 
  •   My push up is coming along.  Its ugly, but its there.  Kind of Half worm, half plank pushup.  I'll leave that one on the list.  For now. 
  • Am working on the box jumps.  When I say working on that, I mean I am practicing on my stairs at home.  Yes, I can jump on the stairs, but if you know common construction, you know that it is only 7 inches, not 24 inches, like THE SMALLEST BOX AT CROSSFIT!!!!!!  But, 1 month ago, I couldn't have even done that, not that I even tried... leave that goal on the list.  
Am having to row now, instead of running, since I am clearly old and falling apart, and haven't yet figured out the leg issue.  Hope to hear something soon from the MRI from hell!  I suppose all MRIs are from hell, not just mine, since I'm not that special.  Anyway, forging on.  Today I ate some chicken, a Rib Eye, and some tomatoes, cucumbers, and Bell peppers.  Paleo all the way.  We did have an ice cream scare at work today, but I pushed through that.  Damn Jackie and her "Happy Friday snack"!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1 Step up and 2 steps back...

I'm kind of getting into a routine.  Crossfit.  Paleo diet.  My clothes are fitting a TINY bit looser, but I've GAINED 6 pounds!  I know, "muscle weighs more than fat..."  I'm also having a recurrent, and increasingly painful problem with my leg.  Prior to Crossfit, but causing me some issue.  Todays WOD, which I had to modify, remember, I'm OLD!!! 

 normal CALS, no problem
ANTE, PVC complex, which I LOVE, (easy),  then Push Press, 3 rounds of 5, at max weight you can handle.   (only 35 pounds)
WOD: 10m run on the minute.  Add 10m each minute. For time until you can't run anymore.  I had to row the whole time. I rowed at max speed for 1 minute, then rest 1 minute, over and over.  My total meters rowed was 1917.  I almost died, but I didn't.  I wished I had done more weight on the Push Press, and think I could have.  Will have to push more next time. 

Food today:  All Paleo, so good job there.  Cabbage and sausage this AM,  Some broccoli and Cauliflower and more sausage tonight.  I'm not sure, but I THINK I feel a muscle coming up in a couple of areas.  Nothing noticible jsut yet!!!  I 'll work a bit harder tommorrow.  I must say, every time I feel embarrassed at how "modified" my WOD is, I feel really encouraged by both the Coaches, as well as every one at Crossfit. 


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Real Crossfit vs My Crossfit

Crossfit is brutal.  Really brutal.  But the nice thing about Crossfit, and the coaches, it's always adaptable.  You just go to the gym, do the workout, however brutal it may be.  Any and every part of it is adaptable for any level of fitness (or lack thereof).  Which leads me to "my Crossfit".  It's comicle really...I've already explained the squat, and how my squat looks.  Other examples:
  • Pushups, you know, military, plank pushups.  Mine look more like a worm.  I lay flat on the ground, and kind of roll, or push up my arms off the floor!  Sad!!!
  • Pull ups.  Basic.  I have to have a huge band, to support my body weight, while I am trying to pull myself up on the bar.  But hey, I saw others with a band, so I'm not too horrified.
  • Running is pretty self explanatory, but if you cant run, you either walk  or Row.  I rowed, and can just now run.  Not the entire distance, but progress is progress.
  • Box Jumps.  There are many sizes of boxes.  Short, I think 24 inches, to very tall.  I don't know how tall because I won't go near them.  Mine is the shortest, but don't be impressed, because I have to just step up and down.  There is NO chance that I can jump on and off of it.  YET!
  • Lifts, barbells, kettle bells, blah,blah,blah... Most are putting weights on there bars.  I just try to lift the bar!!!But I can lift it.  And I feel good about that. 
So I know that goals are important.  And I want to see progress.  But I guess my first progress is to just be able to do everything prescribed on the WOD (workout of the day, FYI). I think visible results will follow. 

GOALS:   1. Get to do a REAL pushup.  2. Box jumps.  3.  NOT to kill myself!!!    That is a good start.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Starting Crossfit

At Jessica's encouragement, I am going to Crossfit.  If you aren't familiar with Crossfit, it is VERY high intensity, varied workouts.  Military, police,etc...kind of work outs.  you tube is full of demos.  OK, how bad can it be.  One of my employees, Chris, is a Crossfit trainer.  I trust him 100%.  He and Jessica wouldn't steer me wrong! 

First day of Crossfit: 160#, and a size 12.  I lost about 18 # from the MOST I ever weighed.  Still 40 pounds over my normal weight. 

Part of the "warm up", CALS, were squats.  My squat could best be described as standing with my knees bent.  KILLED me.  Especially when I see most everyone there squatting like I remember 2 year olds doing, feet flat on the floor, and butt almost touching the ground.  AND, they can stand back up from that!!  I have a long way to go.  To squat will be my goal.  First goal...

After the first class, and I looked like I had stood in the rain.  Totally drenched. I came home and almost fell over, my legs were so shaky.  Went 4 times the first weeek.  By week end, I could not walk.  Really.  COULD NOT WALK... What am I doing?

How did i get like THIS???

I have always been pretty thin and fit.  I was on the track team in high school.  I have been a ballet dancer since I was 4.  I played softball for quite some time when I was younger, and was an excellent distance swimmer while in my 30's.  I have painted houses, and hung drywall for a living, while putting myself through Nursing school.  I have always been between 110 and 120 pounds, and a size 2-6.  Until I was about 48....Fast forward the Hysterectomy.  Total.  No more ovaries, no more estrogen....As if the Hot Flashes weren't bad enough, and that was and is horrible.  I started steadily gaining about 1-2 pounds EVERY week.  I have never even thought about my weight.  Or what I ate.  Now here I go.  I found myself, in 2 years time, in a size 12.  I should have gotten a 14, for comfort, if I'm being honest, but refused.  Absoulutly NOT!!!  My weight had gotten to 178.  This had all happened, despite my trying to diet.  Weight Watchers yeilded a 5 pound weight looss.  No carbs has only stopped the weight gain.  My Doctor, who is attempting to fix my hormone situation says " Nature has a breeding cow, and a feeding cow, and once you stop breeding, you will fatten up."  REALLY!!!  ( I don't go to him anymore)  I bought a treadmill, and a Bowflex,blah,blah,blah...  I don't feel good in my skin, my clothes don't fit, and I don't even want to move around.  Not to mention, I DON'T SLEEP!!!  Something has to be done.  Weight now at 160#.  Did I mention, I'm 5'6".  My kids (there are 3 of them) have tried to offer help,and advice.  Two of them are runners, and athletes, and exceptionally good eaters.  No junk food, no processed food,etc...  Start there.  Am officially "eating Paleo".  Meat and veggies, nuts, berries, some fruit, no sugar or dairy.  Nothing processed.  I feel better, just from that.  NO weight loss.  At my daughters (Jessica) encouragement, I have started Crossfit.  She goes, often, and is amazing shape.  She is 26, and so was I at that age, but I digress...
We'll see if that does anything for me.