Sunday, February 27, 2011

Real Crossfit vs My Crossfit

Crossfit is brutal.  Really brutal.  But the nice thing about Crossfit, and the coaches, it's always adaptable.  You just go to the gym, do the workout, however brutal it may be.  Any and every part of it is adaptable for any level of fitness (or lack thereof).  Which leads me to "my Crossfit".  It's comicle really...I've already explained the squat, and how my squat looks.  Other examples:
  • Pushups, you know, military, plank pushups.  Mine look more like a worm.  I lay flat on the ground, and kind of roll, or push up my arms off the floor!  Sad!!!
  • Pull ups.  Basic.  I have to have a huge band, to support my body weight, while I am trying to pull myself up on the bar.  But hey, I saw others with a band, so I'm not too horrified.
  • Running is pretty self explanatory, but if you cant run, you either walk  or Row.  I rowed, and can just now run.  Not the entire distance, but progress is progress.
  • Box Jumps.  There are many sizes of boxes.  Short, I think 24 inches, to very tall.  I don't know how tall because I won't go near them.  Mine is the shortest, but don't be impressed, because I have to just step up and down.  There is NO chance that I can jump on and off of it.  YET!
  • Lifts, barbells, kettle bells, blah,blah,blah... Most are putting weights on there bars.  I just try to lift the bar!!!But I can lift it.  And I feel good about that. 
So I know that goals are important.  And I want to see progress.  But I guess my first progress is to just be able to do everything prescribed on the WOD (workout of the day, FYI). I think visible results will follow. 

GOALS:   1. Get to do a REAL pushup.  2. Box jumps.  3.  NOT to kill myself!!!    That is a good start.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Starting Crossfit

At Jessica's encouragement, I am going to Crossfit.  If you aren't familiar with Crossfit, it is VERY high intensity, varied workouts.  Military, police,etc...kind of work outs.  you tube is full of demos.  OK, how bad can it be.  One of my employees, Chris, is a Crossfit trainer.  I trust him 100%.  He and Jessica wouldn't steer me wrong! 

First day of Crossfit: 160#, and a size 12.  I lost about 18 # from the MOST I ever weighed.  Still 40 pounds over my normal weight. 

Part of the "warm up", CALS, were squats.  My squat could best be described as standing with my knees bent.  KILLED me.  Especially when I see most everyone there squatting like I remember 2 year olds doing, feet flat on the floor, and butt almost touching the ground.  AND, they can stand back up from that!!  I have a long way to go.  To squat will be my goal.  First goal...

After the first class, and I looked like I had stood in the rain.  Totally drenched. I came home and almost fell over, my legs were so shaky.  Went 4 times the first weeek.  By week end, I could not walk.  Really.  COULD NOT WALK... What am I doing?

How did i get like THIS???

I have always been pretty thin and fit.  I was on the track team in high school.  I have been a ballet dancer since I was 4.  I played softball for quite some time when I was younger, and was an excellent distance swimmer while in my 30's.  I have painted houses, and hung drywall for a living, while putting myself through Nursing school.  I have always been between 110 and 120 pounds, and a size 2-6.  Until I was about 48....Fast forward the Hysterectomy.  Total.  No more ovaries, no more estrogen....As if the Hot Flashes weren't bad enough, and that was and is horrible.  I started steadily gaining about 1-2 pounds EVERY week.  I have never even thought about my weight.  Or what I ate.  Now here I go.  I found myself, in 2 years time, in a size 12.  I should have gotten a 14, for comfort, if I'm being honest, but refused.  Absoulutly NOT!!!  My weight had gotten to 178.  This had all happened, despite my trying to diet.  Weight Watchers yeilded a 5 pound weight looss.  No carbs has only stopped the weight gain.  My Doctor, who is attempting to fix my hormone situation says " Nature has a breeding cow, and a feeding cow, and once you stop breeding, you will fatten up."  REALLY!!!  ( I don't go to him anymore)  I bought a treadmill, and a Bowflex,blah,blah,blah...  I don't feel good in my skin, my clothes don't fit, and I don't even want to move around.  Not to mention, I DON'T SLEEP!!!  Something has to be done.  Weight now at 160#.  Did I mention, I'm 5'6".  My kids (there are 3 of them) have tried to offer help,and advice.  Two of them are runners, and athletes, and exceptionally good eaters.  No junk food, no processed food,etc...  Start there.  Am officially "eating Paleo".  Meat and veggies, nuts, berries, some fruit, no sugar or dairy.  Nothing processed.  I feel better, just from that.  NO weight loss.  At my daughters (Jessica) encouragement, I have started Crossfit.  She goes, often, and is amazing shape.  She is 26, and so was I at that age, but I digress...
We'll see if that does anything for me.