Sunday, April 17, 2011

Crossfit on a Cruise!!!

We just got back from a 7 day cruise... Great ship, VOyager of the Seas, Royal Carribean.  7 Days of calm, and tranquil fun.  I was worried about what to eat, as everyone knows that there is food everywhere, all day, and night.  I was worried about "eating riight", or just eating everything in sight, which would have been my preference.  I was surprised to find that it was VERY easy to eat right, and I must say, I ate almost pure Paleo the whole curise.  I had a couple of very small cheats during the week... not bad. 

  Also, was hoping to get some kind of workouts on the boat.  Was happy to see there was a fully equipped, LARGE gym on board.  All the machines, the treadmills, the elipticals, and of course, every weight machine you could find.  BUT... there was also 2 rowing machines, the same ones we have in Crossfit.  Also, some free weights, not barbells, but dumbells, and THE BEST PART.... one of the "trainers" on board was an actual Crossfitter, from Scotland.  Thank god for Alistair... he was able to help me make up somewhat of a Crossfit on board workout.  I didn't do it every day, but 3 or 4 days, I sweated like a banshee!!!  I took some clothes that I haven't been able to wear for more than 2 years, and they fit, both when I left for the cruise, as well as the day I came back.  So that's decent.  I will get back into the real swing of things tomorrow, and will have a weigh in tomorrow morning, to see if I did any damage.  update to follow...

One side note, they had a "Miss Bicep" contest on board, and NO, I didn't enter, although my husband really wanted me to, since I actually have the beginnings of some biceps.  I also humiliated myself in Karaoke, but that's another story!

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