Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I did 50 Burpees!!!

Thats not all I did, but I DID the 50 Burpees...At the end of the workout, and it took me 5 minutes, but i did 'em all. 

I think burpees are Gods punishment for having let yourself go, and/or a reminder if you are fit, not to let yourself go!  Exhausting, works everything, good for the core.  Although my core is still recovering from sharing a body with 3 large babies, now all large adults.  But, it's been 22 years since the last "sharing", so I had better let that go for now!!!

After CALS and a 400M run, (I'm still rowing, due to the shin splints)  Can Almost do a good plank pushup! 
hand/wrist warmup
PVC complex
Pull up max, 1 minute on the minute x5  I did 41, with assist bands.  lighter assist bands, but still assistance. 
Cleans, max,  mine was 65#, 1 minute on the minute x 10
THEN the 50 Burpees.

Feeling stronger, Hip did OK today, no problems at all.  STILL, no weight loss, despite PALEO eating, and Crossfit.  WHATs going on???

Weight: 162, SIZE 10 ( down from 12-14).  I need to throw away my scale. 


jess said...

I can't believe you are still bringing up 3 babies! Let it go! :) Kidding mom, I am proud of you everyday! Stay away from nuts, and limit your fruit to weekends only. GET RID OF THE SCALE! Start measuring your waist, and anywhere else you want, then you may notice progress. Weight does not matter! love you

Anonymous said...

None of my business, but you're probably gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time, which explains the loss in dress size, but not the loss in body weight.
The scale means nothing, how you look in the mirror shows the progress. Keep it up, you're doing great!