Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Progress... SLOW Progress...

2 months of Crossfit!  My weight has gone up 5 pounds, then down 2 pounds.  Bringing my current weight to 161, OVER my pre Crossfit weight.  BUT...I am 2 sizes smaller.  Size 10.  I really do have to leave the scale alone.  The " muscle weighs more than fat", must be true.  I see some muscles peeking out here and there.  So, yes, progress.  The hip still kills me, sometimes I can squat all the way down, sometimes I look like I've had a recent stroke on my left side. 

Today's WOD:  After the regular cals and rowing my 400 meters.  I'm not running this week, since I have Shin Splints! 
 5 rounds of 5 Deadlift to max weight.  I did 115#, up from my starting point of 15#.  (That's JUST the training bar), so thats good progress.
25 "Double Unders", or 50 single jump ropes.  I did the singles.  First jump rope I have done in probably 40 years...
10 "Thrusters", at 45 #... Full squat and thrust the bar overhead
5 Handstand pushups.  REALLY?  No, MY version was, put my feet up on "the box", and do either a plank pushup, or a 90 degree pushup.  I did the plank pushup.  Didn't get all the way down, if I'm being honest, but hey, I DID THE PLANK PUSHUP!!!!!!!!
Do as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes. 

I did 5 rounds.  I was soaked, red faced, and DAMN PROUD of myself.  I haven't killed myself yet, and that was one of my goals.  I better leave that one on the list!

1 comment:

jess said...

I am so proud of you! We did thrusters and double unders yesterday too and it was horrible! My thrusters were pathetic, but some people were on the here we are! Good JOB MOM!!!